
Undocumented in source.
struct Worksheet {}


this(lxw_worksheet* handle)
Undocumented in source.



void activate()
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void autofilter(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol)
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void centerHorizontally()
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void centerVertically()
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void dataValidationCell(RowType row, ColType col, lxw_data_validation* validator)
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void dataValidationRange(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, lxw_data_validation* validator)
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void fitToPages(ushort width, ushort height)
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void freezePanes(RowType row, ColType col)
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void gridlines(ubyte option)
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void hide()
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void hideZero()
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void insertChart(RowType row, ColType col, Chart chart)
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void insertChartOpt(RowType row, ColType col, Chart chart, lxw_image_options* options)
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void insertImage(RowType row, ColType col, string filename)
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void insertImageBuffer(RowType row, ColType col, const(ubyte)* buf, size_t bufSize)
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void insertImageBufferOpt(RowType row, ColType col, const(ubyte)* buf, size_t bufSize, lxw_image_options* options)
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void insertImageOpt(RowType row, ColType col, string filename, lxw_image_options* options)
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void mergeRange(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string str)
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void mergeRange(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string str, Format f)
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void mergeRangeFormat(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string str, Format f)
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void outlineSettings(ubyte visible, ubyte symbolsBelow, ubyte symbolsRight, ubyte autoStyle)
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void printAcross()
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void printArea(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol)
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void printRowColHeaders()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void protect(string password, lxw_protection* options)
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void repeatColumns(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol)
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void repeatRows(RowType firstRow, RowType lastRow)
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void rightToLeft()
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void select()
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void setColumn(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width)
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void setColumn(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width, Format f)
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void setColumnFormat(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width, Format f)
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void setColumnOpt(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width, lxw_row_col_options* options)
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void setColumnOpt(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width, lxw_row_col_options* options, Format f)
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void setColumnOptFormat(ColType firstCol, ColType lastCol, double width, lxw_row_col_options* options, Format f)
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void setDefaultRow(double height, ubyte hideUnusedRows)
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void setFirstSheet()
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void setFooter(string footer)
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void setFooterOpt(string footer, lxw_header_footer_options* options)
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void setHPagebreaks(RowType[] row)
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void setHeader(string header)
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void setHeaderOpt(string header, lxw_header_footer_options* options)
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void setLandscape()
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void setMargins(double left, double right, double top, double bottom)
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void setPageView()
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void setPaper(ubyte paperType)
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void setPortrait()
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void setPrintScale(ushort scale)
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void setRow(RowType row, double height)
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void setRow(RowType row, double height, Format f)
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void setRowFormat(RowType row, double height, Format f)
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void setRowOpt(RowType row, double height, lxw_row_col_options* options)
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void setRowOpt(RowType row, double height, lxw_row_col_options* options, Format f)
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void setRowOptFormat(RowType row, double height, lxw_row_col_options* options, Format f)
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void setSelection(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol)
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void setStartPage(ushort startPage)
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void setTabColor(lxw_color_t color)
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void setVPagebreaks(ColType[] col)
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void setZoom(ushort scale)
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void splitPanes(double vertical, double horizontal)
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void write(RowType row, ColType col, T value)
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void write(RowType row, ColType col, T value, Format format)
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size_t writeAndGetWidth(RowType row, ColType col, T value)
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size_t writeAndGetWidth(RowType row, ColType col, T value, Format format)
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void writeArrayFormula(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string formula)
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void writeArrayFormula(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string formula, Format format)
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void writeArrayFormulaFormat(RowType firstRow, ColType firstCol, RowType lastRow, ColType lastCol, string formula, Format format)
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void writeBlankImpl(RowType row, ColType col, Format format)
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void writeBooleanImpl(RowType row, ColType col, bool value, Format format)
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void writeDatetimeImpl(RowType row, ColType col, Datetime datetime, Format format)
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void writeFormulaNumImpl(RowType row, ColType col, string formula, double value, Format format)
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void writeIntImpl(RowType row, ColType col, double num, Format format)
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void writeNumberImpl(RowType row, ColType col, double num, Format format)
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void writeRichStringImpl(RowType row, ColType col, lxw_rich_string_tuple** rst, Format format)
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void writeStringImpl(RowType row, ColType col, string str, Format format)
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void writeUrlImpl(RowType row, ColType col, string url, Format format)
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lxw_worksheet* handle;
Undocumented in source.
